Blum Healthy Flora Support


When traveling, it’s always a good idea to take a probiotic to protect the health and balance of the intestinal tract. We like Blum Healthy Flora Support for its combination of Lactobacillus, Bifidus, and Saccharomyces Boulardi. Unlike most probiotics, it does not need to be refrigerated.

BlumKitchen Granola


Our delicious signature blend of organic nuts and seeds, mixed with coconut oil is free of gluten, refined sugars or additives.

Dr. Angie L


I came to Dr. Blum after several attempts (and over 10 years) with other doctors to balance my hormones and thyroid issues. I tried everything from diet, to bio-identical hormones, to supplements, to birth control pills. I went to a noted womenʼs clinic that seemed to help temporarily, but then the same symptoms would return. Nothing was working, and the birth control pills I had started due to heavy and continuous bleeding, were actually causing a whole new set of symptoms! I wasnʼt sleeping well, had very heavy bleeding, severe cramping, acne, weight gain, and mood swings with anxiety and depression. The symptoms had gradually become worse, with only a few months of relief at a time, when new doctors had new ideas. Dr. Blum was able to figure out and diagnose my issues that multiple other doctors did not either consider or understand. Through many questions, tests and comprehensive blood work she diagnosed me with Graves Disease and found that I have an elevated, genetic risk for celiacʼs disease. Through other tests she found and explained that I have high levels of mercury and lead in my body which combined with my gluten sensitivity contributes to the auto-immune issues I was experiencing. In addition, through a genetic liver test, she explained that my liver does not break down and detoxify estrogen, pesticides and metals very well. This information, the supplements and the simple changes to my diet that she recommended have changed my life. ALL of my symptoms have gone! I am still figuring out how to void my body of the metals and repair the flora in my gut, but I lost the weight I had gained, I have no mood swings or anxiety or depression, my struggle with acne is gone, and I sleep better than I have in many years! Over 10 years of struggling, and she helped me alleviate my symptoms in less than a year! Dr. Blumʼs functional medicine approach, her intelligent, holistic philosophy and her personal care are absolutely curative. I recommend her center to everyone who needs help with eating healthy, stress relief, and most of all help to feel and live a healthy, long life!
Thank you so much Dr. Blum!
Dr. Angie L



Designed for individuals who have feelings of anxiety and disorientation and have difficulty resting due to stress.
Formulated for individuals who may have feelings of being overheated and flushed when stressed.
Provides traditionally used herbs to address organs and systems involved in the stress response.

LibidoStim-F by Designs For Health


LibidoStim-F is a blend of neutraceutical and herbal ingredients for supporting increased female sexual desire and pleasure. Its ingredients promote natural production of testosterone, blood flow, and adrenal function. It is completely safe for long term use.

Retreat From Cancer


Food Education and self-care techniques to nourish the mind, body, and spirit

Cancer patients need support to nourish their bodies and minds from the moment of diagnosis through treatment and beyond. Join us for a weekend retreat and experience our holistic approach to cancer wellness by learning mind-body techniques and food education in the kitchen.

Saturday 9:30am – 4:00pm

  • Morning – Mind-Body Skills group led by Susan Schueffele followed by an Energizing Breakfast
  • Lunch & Learn – Enjoy a demo cooking class and delicious plant-based lunch with Chef Marti Wolfson while learning about the most powerful cancer fighting foods to stock your pantry.
  • Afternoon – Mind-Body Skills group led by Susan Schueffele, Living beyond Cancer, Closing Circle
Cost is $225 by September 28th,  thereafter $275
Accommodations with special rates available at our partner resort, Doral Arrowwood.

~ Susan Schueffele, EDM, NCC, LPC, comes to us with over 25 years as a nationally certified Counselor and a Licensed Professional Counselor in Connecticut. She is a certified facilitator of Mind-Body Skills Groups from The Center For Mind-Body Medicine. Susan Schueffele
~ Marti Wolfson, Culinary Director, is a true educator in the “Food as Medicine” movement.  She brings a decade of experience, practical research, and outstanding results in culinary nutrition to her students and clients. A graduate of The Natural Gourmet Institute Chef Training Program, she has been a private chef and facilitated program for patients in cancer treatment. Marti Wolfson

The Whole Food Guide to Strong Bones


Blum Center for Health Presents: A Special Evening with Guest Author, Annemarie Colbin, PhD “The Whole Food Guide to Strong Bones”

Free Book signing, discussion & gourmet food tasting

  • Enjoy samples from delicious mineral rich, bone building recipes
  • Learn how to make smarter food choices to help prevent and treat osteoporosis
  • Purchase a copy of Annemarie’s book to try all her great recipes!

Prior Registration is required.

Click Here or call 914-652-7800 to sign up.

Blum Center for Health Presents its Premiere All Organic Food and Wine Event


Co-Sponsored by Wine Enthusiast & Mike’s Organic Delivery

Friday, May 13th 7:00 – 9:00pm

Join us for a fun filled, educational evening including:

  • Four-course tasting menu using seasonal ingredients from local farms
  • Food and Wine pairing by an expert team from Wine Enthusiast, Wiemer Vineyard, Highlands Dinner Club and our Culinary Director

Reserve now – space is limited – $40/person
To sign up please call us at 914-652-7800

Breaking News on Alcohol and Cancer


There have been a number of recent studies trying to sort out the relationship between alcohol and health. This week, The British Medical Journal reported that alcohol increases the risk of cancer, especially all cancers of the mouth and digestive tract, including the liver, colorectal and breast cancer. The authors found that any protective effect on the cardiovascular system previously reported, is outweighed by the increased risk of cancer. Unfortunately for those considering themselves social drinkers, or who drink a few glasses of wine with dinner every night, “there is no level of alcohol consumption that can be considered safe”.

So, what should you do? While the majority of the increased cancer risk was for those drinking over 1 drink/day (women) and 2 drinks/day (men), under that level the cancer risk still increases with every drink. My suggestion is to cut back on your alcohol consumption as part of your cancer prevention program ESPECIALLY if you have a family or personal history of cancer. Your genetics might make you more susceptible. Avoid drinking every day, and choose red wine for the most cardio-protective effects. If you have a personal history of cancer, you shouldn’t drink at all.

Don’t forget to add other cancer prevention strategies to your lifestyle, all of which have been found to reduce your risk. Exercise, reducing those stress hormones, and eating a vegetarian based diet filled with organic fruits and veggies, shifting toward vegetarian proteins like beans, nuts, seeds, and yes even soy. Soy can be safely included in the diet in moderation, meaning 1-3 times/week for those with concerns about it (cancer, hypothyroidism), and more often for others. Make sure the soy is not genetically modified (should say so on the package), is organic, and is minimally processed (skip the boca burger).

There is less anxiety now about soy because the first clinical study on soy intake and women with breast cancer was published last summer, and this showed that those eating soy had a reduced rate of recurrence. For some, this just adds confusion, and to help figure out what is right for you, I suggest finding someone like myself, who can guide you through making these decisions as I believe recommendations are not one size fits all.

And finally, don’t forget there is so much more you can do! We look forward to sharing our approach with you at Blum Center for Health. We have Cancer Prevention cooking classes (description on the website), Functional Medicine tools for evaluating and reducing risk, and MindBodySpirit classes or consultations for self awareness and hormone balance. We will be putting all these tools together in our first semi-annual Cancer Retreat Weekend coming soon, so mark your calendars and call or email us for more information.

Hope to see you soon,
Susan Blum

Juice Cleanses and Medical Detoxification


April 25, 2011 at 7:00 PM

Dr. Blum will host a free discussion at Blum Center for Health on Juice Cleanses and Medical Detoxification:

What you need to know, and how to choose the right program for you.

Juice cleansing is a trend that has grown and continues to be ever more popular with the publicity it receives from celebrities who use it for weight management. There are good aspects to juice cleanses, but also potential problems. Medical Detoxification means removing toxins from the body while making sure your liver has all the nutrients it needs to do this job. Do juices have all these nutrients? Join us for a discussion on this topic, and find out the best approach to help your liver keep your body clean and to keep you feeling strong and healthy.