5 Food Tips for a Healthy Gut – Mind Body Green – Dr. Blum

There are many ways that you can support your digestive health with your diet. Certain foods can help stimulate your digestion, support your friendly flora, and maintain the integrity of the barrier function of your gut.

Supporting your gut health will keep your immune system strong, and ensure you get the most out of the food you eat.

Here are five food tips for a healthy gut:

  1. Eat fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut. Drink kombucha. There are great options to dairy like cultured coconut milk, and soy yogurt.  These foods will keep the healthy flora going strong.
  2. Eat plenty of fiber in whole grains and veggies. They provide the “fertilizer” for your healthy flora.
  3. Avoid raw or uncooked meats and fish, as they carry many viruses and tiny parasites, that while they might not infect humans, they put a strain on the immune system in your gut. Avoid having sushi more than once a week.
  4. Do not drink too much liquid with your meals as it dilutes your enzymes and therefore your digestive power.
  5. Use coconut oil and ghee (clarified butter) in your cooking. Ghee has butyrate, and coconut oil has medium chain triglycerides, both are the best food for your intestinal cells and keep the barrier strong. Coconut oil also has anti-yeast and anti-viral properties.
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