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3 Reasons to Detox This Spring

Your body will benefit from cleansing at any time of the year, but there’s a reason why spring is a special season for detox.   When the weather starts to shift, so does the energy in your body.  It’s a time to release the old and make space to welcome the new.


1. Come out of hibernation.  Hit the reset button and clean up your diet after a long winter to assist your body’s shift into spring. During the winter your body needs more moisture, therefore we eat foods that are richer and higher in fat. Sweep out of this excess moisture and lighten up with liver supportive, low-fat greens, vegetables, and juices.

2. Eat alongside nature.  The winters grounding root vegetables, warm     soups and hearty meals become “off-season” for both your body and the earth.  The ground starts to soften and rain adds moisture to the soil. Lighter vegetation sprouts like crisp greens, light fruits, and herbs arise in abundance. Feed your body with these spring vegetables and live in tune with nature.

3. Clear out mind clutter.  Just like the rain washes away the snow and prepares the ground for new growth, so should your efforts to clean out the toxins in your body and the negative patterns in your mind, making room for new thoughts and positive experiences.   It’s the perfect time of year to get “unstuck” and get active.  Take advantage of the warm weather, begin a new exercise program, or start meditating

There’s lots of different ways to begin a detox program.  At Blum Center for Health we offer a variety of programs in May, whether it be a 5-Day, or 21-Day detox program, or make small steps to big change and take a cooking or meditation class.

View our class programs and sign up here: