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Boost Your Meditation Power

Elizabeth GreigWhat’s better than a daily meditation practice in your own meditation space every day?  Meditating with a group of meditators every day!  Or at least on a regular basis.   Having personally participated in meditations under both circumstances–by myself and with other people–I can attest to the fact that meditating with others makes it easier to stay put for the specified length of the meditation and often gives me a deeper experience.  Because it makes a palpable difference in my daily practice, I take advantage of group meditation as often as I can.

Finding a community of meditators that supports your personal practice is easier than you think!  Blum Center for Health offers guided meditations up to twice a week. It’s the perfect opportunity to sit with others who have a similar focus on the mind-body connection.  Both Apple and Android have a meditation app called Insight Timer that allows you to see who else is meditating right now, so you can feel a connection to other meditators both locally and around the world.  The app also has several groups of meditators that you can join online, for example, Women Meditate Worldwide and Daily Gratitude.  You can find local meditation groups to join in person through this app, too.

So even though meditation is about your own inner experience, doing the practice as part of a community can definitely give your personal practice an energy boost.  We warmly invite you to join our Blum Center meditations every other Tuesday and every Friday for an experience of community meditation. And please join Dr. Blum and me for the next One-Day Mindfulness Retreat on Saturday, March 21, in which we will teach practical self care skills in a relaxing small group setting.

Visit our class calendar to learn more about our mind body spirit class dates and times.