Kitchari is an ancient Ayurvedic meal consisting of Mung beans and rice cooked into porridge. Kitchari (kitch-ah-ree) literally means mess – referring to this warm, delicious, satisfying (not messy!) porridge.
The Ayurvedic culture discovered the magic of the Mung bean; they do not cause gas; they are anti-inflammatory; and they are hypo-allergenic.
As a cleanse, kitchari is eaten for 7 days – breakfast, lunch and dinner as a mono diet, meaning eating one food. This limits the diversity of food which helps decrease inflammation while supporting digestive enzymes and the entire process of digestion.
At Blum Center for Health we perform the Kitchari Cleanse once a year, during the winter months. We find this cleanse both nourishing, healing and weight reducing. Typically, a pound a day is lost with ease.
Kitchari is comfort food, warming and nourishing for this time of year.