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Confused About Fructose?

Dr Susan Blum, Functional MedicineBy now I am sure you know that eating processed sugar isn’t good for you.  When you eat foods that have a high sugar content, your blood glucose spikes and sets off a chain of reactions that can trigger inflammation, and also send your mood and energy on a roller coaster ride during the day.   But this is only one part of the equation.  Most people are confused about the different kinds of sugar, especially fructose, and whether there is a difference in how they are metabolized in the body.  It turns out that, yes, there is a big difference.

I asked our Director of Nutrition, Mary Gocke, RDN, CDN, to take the lead in discussing this topic in this month’s newsletter.   I am hoping this information will give you the tools to make better choices, and to take as much processed fructose out of your diet as possible.