BlumKitchen Granola

Our delicious signature blend of organic nuts and seeds, mixed with coconut oil is free of gluten, refined sugars or additives.

Dr. Angie L

I came to Dr. Blum after several attempts (and over 10 years) with other doctors to balance my hormones and thyroid issues.


Serenagen is a classic herbal stress management formula used in traditional Chinese medicine

Retreat From Cancer

Cancer patients need support to nourish their bodies and minds from the moment of diagnosis through treatment and beyond. Join us for a weekend retreat and experience our holistic approach to cancer wellness by learning mind-body techniques and food education in the kitchen.

The Whole Food Guide to Strong Bones

Book signing, discussion & gourmet food tasting. Enjoy samples from delicious mineral rich, bone building recipes. Learn how to make smarter food choices to help prevent and treat osteoporosis. Purchase a copy of Annemarie’s book to try all her great recipes!