Finding the Balance

The following Brassica, or cruciferous, vegetables contain isothiocyanates and, as Dr. Blum suggested, when eaten RAW and in LARGE amounts, may interfere with your thyroid… Read more

Sesame Kelp Gomasio

Sesame seeds are excellent for healing the thyroid. To boost its potency, we’ve added the sea vegetable kelp to our gomasio recipe for added minerals and thyroid… Read more

Walk in Nature

As we slowly come out from the cold, dark winter season of hibernation and turning inward, we are now moving into a lighter, more expansive… Read more

Shrimp Masala

Detoxing Deliciously For your weekly fish dish, we love this low-mercury, flavorful recipe rich in nutrients that will help your body clear out toxins.

Finding the Balance

Heavy metals, and toxins in general, can be a trigger for brain fog and mental dullness.  If this is something you are experiencing, there are… Read more